
Aug 30, 2009

Computer Science (CS)

On this occasion I will discuss about Computer Science (CS), hopefully this article can be useful for you. Actually, my knowledge of Computer Science (CS) is very limited. But I try to try to elaborate on Computer Science (CS), based on what I know. Computer Science (CS) in general has a meaning as the study of computerization, hardware devices (hardware) and software (the software). Computer science includes a variety of topics relating to computers, ranging from the abstract analysis of algorithms to more concrete subjects like programming languages, software, including hardware. As a single discipline, Computer Science is more emphasis on computer programming, and software engineering (software), while the computer technique is more likely related to computer hardware (hardware). However, both terms are widely misunderstood by many people.

Church-Turing thesis states that all the computerized tools that have been common knowledge in fact the same thing they can do, although with different efficiency. This thesis is often regarded as the basic principles of computer science. Computer scientists in general emphasizes von Neuman computers or Turing machines (computers that can be used for small tasks and deterministic at a certain time), because of that, many computers in use today. Computer scientists are also studying other types of machines, but some of them can not be of practical use (such as DNA computers, quantum computers and neural computers) and some are still quite theoretical (such as computers and computer random oracle).

Computer science can learn something done by some programs, and something that can not be done by some programs (komputabilitas and artificial intelligence), how the program should evaluate the outcome (algorithm), how the program should store and retrieve bits of an information ( data structures), and users to communicate (and user interface programming language).

Computer science is rooted in electronics, mathematics and linguistics. In the last three decades starting from the 20th century, computer science has become a new discipline and has successfully developed a method with the term itself.

The first computer science department was founded at Purdue University, in early 1962. Almost all universities have now, have the computer science department.

The highest award in computer science is the Turing Award, the winners of this award are all pioneers in their fields.

A renowned physicist Richard Feynman said:
Computer science is not as old as the age of physics; younger than a few hundred years. However, this does not mean that the "meal" computer scientist is much less than physicists. It is younger, but grew up in a much more intense!

Edsger Dijkstra said:
Computer science is not about computer science as astronomy is not about the telescope.

By Computer Secience (CS)

Writted by : Kangmus // 12:55 AM


  1. This is nice post from a student

  2. Assalamu'alaikum,
    Thanks for visiting my blog, sorry if I don't leave any comment, cause my english so bad. Hopely you will share a lot of experiences related to human care in your nice blog.

  3. Hmm... saya harus belajar bahasa inggris ekstra keras deh kl kayak gini mah.... :)

  4. Laporan dulu...

    Computer science-cs telah saya masukkan dalam blogroll saya. Silahkan dicek sendiri. Jika ada yang kurang berkenan, silahkan tinggalkan pesan di halaman kontak saya

    (Maaf agak telat masang tautannya)

  5. Gooood..goood..goood..salam kenal..ya..ya..ya..salam cinta damai dan kasih sayang..hehehe..delapan..

  6. Tanggung..biar genep ah..

  7. Iji deui..pas sepuluhxzxz..pamit..assalamu'alaikum..

  8. i can learn computer since i worker,
    sedih emang terlambat, tp tidak apalah yg penting masih belajar :)

  9. thank you for sharingnya, learning algorithm is quite difficult for me, too. neng

  10. aduh, bahasa bule bu...

    assalamualaikum saja lah..:)

  11. nice info, I think there is good article for all people who want to know about computer and software...(walah...ntah bener gak nih englishnya blepotan). salam kenal saja bro.
