
Aug 26, 2009

Working Principle Computer Network System

Electrical signal or signals in the form of electromagnetic waves on a computer network travel / radiate with the working principles of computer networking systems. In order for a network of information exchange of data, required a device called a modem (Modulator demodulator) that functions to convert analog signals into digital signals and vice versa.

There are 4 main components found on a network, the sender (sender information data), protocols (which encode and decode the data information), transmission media (data transfer medium), and the receiver (receiver data information).
The principle of work, the sender first sends a signal to the receiver's information through a change protocols encode digital signals into analog signals and transmit signals through the media and through the second protocol decode the digital signals back into prior to entry into the receiver.

The principle above can be at work when people Analogikan Japanese and British people were chatting over the Internet. When the Japanese typing a message in the Japanese language the message is first converted by the protocol into English so that English people can receive messages in English and vice versa when the British reply to a Japanese person is the English language messages will be modified by the protocol becomes first Japanese language prior to the Japanese people. So in this case the protocol can be termed as translator data information of computer.

Under Computer Science

Writted by : Kangmus // 9:34 AM

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